Kuhnke drives comprise a range of motors with integrated encoders and controllers.
Kuhnke produce both AC and DC drives. Integrated and seperate controllers. PROFIBUS and CANopen variants. Typical product families are outlined here.
The product information and datasheets shown on these pages are for obsolete products and should be used only as an aid in re-design or re-engineering.
682 Drive (DC) IP54 - 24-60VDC. 400W Papst or Dunker motors. PROFIBUS DP. KUBES software |
683 - IP65 Controller PROFIBUS DP Slave controller for 2 x 100W Dunker motors & encoders. CANopen optional. |
684 Drive (AC) IP64 - 230VAC 250W, 600W & 1200W options. PROFIBUS DP & CANopen options. |
685 Intelligent Motor PLC IP54 - 24VDC 80W & 100W options. CANopen. |
These pages are an introduction and overview to Kuhnke Electronics Products. More information on current products can be found on the Kuhnke.com web site.